World Food Day 2012 ESVA

October 12, 2012


Tysheka Finney

36031 seaside Rd

Painter,VA 23420

World Food Day 2012

(Painter,VA –Sept. 25,2012)

How can your dinner fight world hunger? Food is truly global. Buying it,selling it,growing it, eating it- we’re all connected. The small choices we make each day,from the grocery store to the kitchen table,are more powerful than we might think.

This World Food Day,I am collaborating with Oxfam America and a host of allies across the US and around the globe. We have a simple yet compelling idea—to host a “Sunday Dinner” on Tuesday,October 16 th at Epworth United Methodist at 6 pm that fosters a conversation about where food comes from,who cultivates it,and how we can make the food system more just and sustainable. This year the event is dedicated to small farmers. Those who grow our food- whether next door or across the globe affect us and vice versa; our food choices and what we are willing to pay impacts the farmers and how those farmers cultivate food affect our well-being. The Eastern Shore Locovores,a non-profit organization that focuses on local and organic produce and trade is partnering with this event. The Sunday Dinner will only be using local and organic victuals; no professed food or biochemical experiment. the event is free and open to the public.

For additional information contact,tysheka finney at 710-9371.

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September 6, 2012

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